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Child Safeguarding

Our Clubs Welfare Officer is:

Deborah Cornforth
Safeguarding only:  07926044146

National Governing Body (NGB)
Swim England Child Safeguarding Team
Pavilion 3, Sport Park
3 Oakwood Drive
Loughborough University


LE11 3QF

Safeguarding Team

National Safeguarding Administrator  

01509 640 700

(Option 1 for Swim England and then Option 3 for Safeguarding)

Wavepower 2020–23 is the latest Swim England Child Safeguarding Policies and Procedures publication which replaces all previous versions.

It has been produced to assist in safeguarding and protecting children in our sport and must be adopted by all Swim England affiliated clubs and organisations.

Ensuring that children are safeguarded should be a key part of how our clubs and swim schools operate and helps to provide a safe, happy and fun environment in which children can learn to swim and develop their skills.

The responsibility to safeguard children does not belong to any one person, but instead belongs to everyone who plays a part in delivering our sporting activities. Wavepower is intended for anyone involved in these activities and offers practical guidance and information on mandatory requirements and good practice.




Report a concern

Anyone who has a concern that a child or adult may be at risk of harm, or being harmed, should refer to our safeguarding team.

The team is staffed by individuals who are experienced in dealing with these concerns and have undergone specific training for those who have a designated role in safeguarding within sports.

Referring a concern can be done via your Club, County or Regional Welfare Officer. Swim England has a Coach Referral Protocol where concerns regarding coaching techniques can be raised.

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